Saturday, October 10, 2015

2015 Q3 Update

Dividends Received

Total dividends received during the quarter were $4,285.


Q1's purchases ($9,957):
  • $2200 of CVX at $85.98. Yield 4.98%
  • $1557 of RDS.B at $51.28. Yield 7.33%
  • $1150 of CAT at $74.27. Yield 4.15%
  • $1050 of BBL at $34.82. Yield 7.12%
  • $1050 of BP at $33.39. Yield 7.19%
  • $900 of DEO at $107.39. Yield 3.22%
  • $900 of EMR at $50.06. Yield  3.76%
  • $700 of PG at $71.45. Yield 3.71%
  • $250 of KMI at $27.50. Yield 7.13%
  • $200 of JNJ at $92.20. Yield 3.25%
Also reinvested all dividends.
$14,192 in total new capital added (including reinvested dividends) with initial yield of 5.17%. 

Dividend Increases

  • KMI 2.1% raise. +$33.16 annual income.
  • PAYX 10.5% raise. +$24.26 annual income.
  • MO 8.7% raise. +$22.31 annual income.
  • PM 2% raise. +$23.30 annual income.
  • LMT 10% raise. +$67.29 annual income.
  • ACN 7.8% raise. +$4.12 annual income.
Total: $221.23

Annualized Dividend Income

All together, annualized dividend income increased by $954 from Q2 total of $15,813 to $16,767 This means my dividend stocks will pay $16,767 in dividends over the next 12 months.


  • Lending Club interest received: $346.51
  • Bank interest received: $48.62
Total Q3 passive income: $4,680.

Note: Rugby world cup is being played right now.  Above is great pic of a scrum between 2 of the best teams in the world- New Zealand (aka the All Blacks) vs. Australia.

Keep Feeding The Fire

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Sharebuilder Weekly Purchases- KMI,CAT

Reporting my weekly buys that went through the past week.

This weeks purchases 9/29 (Dow 16,049)
  • $250 of KMI at $27.50. Yield 7.13%.
  • $250 of CAT at $64.83. Yield 4.75%.
 $500 of new capital invested and adding $29.70 to my annual dividend income.

Note: 4.75% yield on CAT. Need to check to see when last time CAT yield was that high. I am sure Average Dividend Yield is watching!

KMI's yield is now at the old KMR yield.  The sky is falling!

Going to try to post my Q3 summary over the next few days.

Keep Feeding The Fire