Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sharebuilder Weekly DRIP Purchases- PEP, CVX, KMR, MCD

Reporting my weekly buys that went through today.

Market closed at 16,130.

This weeks purchases:
  • $200 of PEP at $78.01. Yield 3.36%.
  • $100 of CVX at $113.17. Yield 3.53%. 
  • $100 of KMR at $75.73. Yield 7.18%
  • $100 of MCD at $95.87. Yield 3.38%.
 $500 of new capital invested adding $20.81 to my annual dividend income.

Note: First addition of new capital to my Pepsi position in almost 2 years. I liked the 15% dividend increase and the slight sell off after the revenue miss.


  1. Do you have a table of all your dividend investments?

  2. Do you have a table of all your dividend investments?

  3. Do you have a table of all your dividend investments?

  4. tangov559,

    Thanks for stopping by. I dont have a table of all my dividend investments. You can get an idea of my positions by looking at my monthly updates where I list all of the dividends I receive in the month.

