Thursday, November 20, 2014

INTC dividend increase

In a bit of a surprise, today, Intel announced that it is raising it's quarterly dividend from $.225 to $.24.

This represents a 6.6% raise and is the first raise since May 2012 when the quarterly dividend went from $.21 to $.225.

Since I own 707 shares, this will increase my annual go-forward dividends by $42.42.


  1. You own a lot more INTC shares than me. This is certainly a welcomed announcement for us shareholders. :)

  2. AA,

    That's great news. I sort of regret that I sold all my shares back in July. Who knows I may repurchase some shares in the future. It would be nice to get in at 3.5% yield or higher, but I think that train has left the station for good.

    Congrats on the pay raise!


  3. Tawcan,

    Yes, this was a welcome announcement! INTC has been on a tear and is one of my best performers this year.

    cheers, AA

  4. Thanks MDP. I also thought about selling earlier in the year but never followed through. I do think it is over extended here and may look to trim a bit.

    cheers, AA
